Edit Portion

Here is my edit. Ashley gave a tutorial on editing and shared a tip that I really liked that made my image pop.

A Shoot and Edit

I want to increase my photography skills this year. Therefor I am going to try and participate in multiple contests/challenges to push me to take more pictures and to learn to edit those pictures, when I do not get everything right(which is more often than not).
This evening I found a challenge that totally peaked my interest. A Shoot and Edit at Forever n Ever n Always Photography. This is going to be a great challenge for me and a great way to learn.
Theme- What says Winter to you - Here is my SOOC (since the picture is due tonight it is not something that I shot recently but it is my own)

I Heart Faces Smile

I love her little messy ice cream smile!

7 day photo challenge for Amanda Stamback Photography- Day 1

The word for the day is Movement.  Here is one that I took of my son today riding his dirt bike.  This one is his favorite out of the batch....

Here is the link to Amanda's blog if you would like to join in: Amanda Stamback Photography

Sweet Shot Tuesday

This may not be the best picture of the week but I love his face, you can see how happy he is on his birthday to have a cake made just for him by his cousin. (And that he gets to eat cake and open presents too of course.)

I Heart Faces- Pet Faces


Welcome to my Little Place on the Web to share with you, Moments of My Life.  I LOVE to take pictures of my family and all of our activities.  I am not trained in Photography I am just a self proclaimed Mammarazzi. I plan to use this blog to post about the goings on, in the online photography world and to share some of my favorite Moments whether they are print worthy or not.